Simple and clear
library services-UniBook

Augmented reality allows readers to literally "see" the route to the desired book through their smartphones. This interactive solution helps you quickly find the right books, sections or services and makes visiting the library more exciting and memorable.

Automatic book return stations are used in libraries with increased workload in order to reduce queues for returning books and reduce the burden on librarians, especially during periods of increased reader activity.
The return stations can be installed in the wall and allow the return of books even during non-working hours of the library!

Keeping books in access to shelves has became a norm for most libraries for long now. Unfettered access a reader to books and other library collections increases a person's interest in reading. People borrow books more often, and visit libraries oftener.

Visitor recognition and counting systems allow you to get rid of the endless manual counting of people for the collection and analysis of information about readers. The information is presented in the form of simple and understandable reports.
Attracting the maximum number of readers is the key to the library's prosperity.

Smart shelves, storage rooms, and even a cloakroom work in a single system with the ILS and provide access via an electronic reader's ticket. The user can independently return and register a return of books, drop the stuff at the coat check and be sure of their safety. Such systems cut down the service personnel and their responsibilities.

Everyday library employees perform dozens of routine operations: lending out and returning books, marking the collection, programming tags, working with library pass.
The software and hardware complex "Workstation" is designed to optimize and simplify routine tasks. The equipment of proprietary design will ensure high accuracy and stability of operation.

The best solution in protecting the collection in access to shelves is an anti-theft RFID gate. The systems consist of antennas that are installed at the entrance to the library. If someone tries to take out a book, the gate will immediately notify the staff that a book or any other object of the library collection is being tried to steal.

Inventory of the book stock using RFID technology is to prevent wasting time of a library employees on a monotonous and very time — consuming inventory. During inventory, the employee just needs to swipe the mobile reader along the shelves. The device will automatically record information about all the books in memory, and the publications do not need to be removed from the shelf.

RFID (UHF) technology allows you to significantly reduce the time and cost of physical inventory by reducing expended labor resources. Specialized software provides clarity and accuracy of the inventory process, as well as allows to keep a complete history of the movement of objects inside the library and in real time.

The RFID card significantly simplifies a process of working with readers. It makes a process of lending / returning books simpler and more accurate. No more huge library's card catalog, no more queues in libraries, no more monotonous manual labor! Thanks to the latest technology, you can add a new reader, edit data, lend and accept books within minutes.
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