Self-service book return 24/7
UniBook Book Drop

Automated Book Return station is a special built-in self-service station for readers


You can return books even if a library is closed!
With Book Drop station your library is able to accept books around the clock without any help.

Maximum efficiency in minimum space
Thanks to built-in design the station takes up little space. There is also an additional function for sorting books in different directions.

Visual overview

Installation advantages

Around the clock library service
The ability to set a book self-sorting function
Reducing queues and monotonous work
Terminal compact size

How it works

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The terminal’s major part is built into the wall or installed into a special platform
The inner side is located in an isolated room for receiving or storing books and provides self-service book return
  • Allows a library to work 24/7
  • Reducing queues and monotonous work
  • Compact size
The outer side with a large touch screen for interacting with readers
  • Built-in printer for printing reminders
  • Informative and fine light indication
  • Bright design and ergonomics

Autonomous work 24/7

This Book Drop automated system with touch screen display allows library’s patrons to return books at any time without librarian’s help, even if a library is closed.

Using the specialized Book Flow conveyor allows the system to sort books independently in at least 3 directions according to your categories.

Sort function

The sorting conveyor connects with the station and sorts books in three directions. Returned books are automatically by storage locations, book genre, etc.

The design of the conveyor allows you to connect several of these devices to increase the viewing of book sorting.

Basket with floating bottom —
Library Cart

Special basket serves to receive books from the sorter conveyor. The basket is equipped with a movable bottom that allows reducing the drop books height.

The basket has good handling and is equipped with a wheel stopper to prevent the basket from accidentally rolling away from the sorter.

Get in touch

Request a free consultation. Fill out the application and we will call you back within 15 minutes.

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Defender anti-theft system

Defender is an anti-theft system that can fit into an interior of any library, keeping its style and protecting the book collection reliably. Anti-theft RFID antennas of European quality from the Italian manufacturer "Defender" are a universal solution for anti theft protection.


Find out which terminal is more suitable for your library

Request a free consultation. Fill out the application and we call you back
within 15 minutes.