New generation libraries
Simple libraries
Convenience Based on our 16-year experience, we have divided all the functionality of RFID equipment and software into simple and understandable services.
New Installation stage Each service includes the necessary hardware, software, and integration.

Self-return of books
Self-return of books
The automatic book return station is used in libraries under extra strain in order to reduce queues for books returning and decrease burden on librarians, especially during periods of readers overaction.
You need an automated library system and a reader's ticket based on RFID (or based on a barcode) for work.
Anti-theft protection + people counting
Anti-theft protection + people counting
We offer anti-theft RFID gates in protecting the collection in access to shelves. The systems consist of antennas that are installed at the entrance to the library. If someone tries to take out a book, the gates will immediately notify the staff that a book or any other object of the library collection is being tried to steal.
Smart storage systems
Smart storage systems
The touch-screen return system allows library visitors to take an opportunity to return books without recourse to library staff. The book return station allows to register books returns and track the current location of the book collection.
With the help of special software, you can view the statistics of issued books, as well as see the rating of the most popular publications.
Everyday library employees perform dozens of routine operations: lending out and returning books, marking the collection, programming tags, working with library pass.
The software and hardware complex "Workstation" is designed to optimize and simplify routine tasks. The equipment of proprietary design will ensure high accuracy and stability of operation.
Self-borrowing books
Self-borrowing books
Keeping books in access to shelves has became a norm for most libraries for long now. Unfettered access a reader to books and other library collections increases a person's interest in reading. People borrow books more often, and visit libraries oftener.
Earlier the process of searching and lending books was completely controlled by a librarian. Now queues may form of readers who independently took a book from a shelf and want to enter it in their library card for taking away.
Quick and accurate inventory
Quick and accurate inventory
To prevent wasting time of a library employees on a monotonous and very time — consuming inventory, IDlogic offers a high-quality, reliable and proven inventory using RFID.
The technology is simple and convenient. An employee just needs to pass a mobile reader along the shelves. The device will automatically record information about all books in memory. You don't need to remove the publications from the shelf.
MoreRFID equipment complex
for new-generation libraries
Modern technology Book borrowing stations, anti-theft systems, tablet antennas and many other modern RFID equipment for optimizing the operation of libraries.
Service rate Our equipment is designed to simplify the routine work of librarians, as well as improve the quality and speed of service to library visitors.
Modern software
Clear interface Our own software development Department creates products with an intuitive user interface.
Individual solution We have a lot of ready-to-use software products for optimizing the operation of your library, but we're always ready to design an individual turnkey solutions.
Speeding up and improving the quality of service for library users.
Optimizing the librarian's routine operations.

Implementation, training and support of all clients!
All hardware runs on its own SOFTWARE.
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