About us

About company
UniBook is an RFID integrator in business processes for enterprises in various spheres. We have been working on the market of RFID systems since 2004, implemented a large number of projects and now it is one of the leader in RFID technologies.
Our specialists have an extensive experience in integrating RFID technology. Thanks to this depth of experience, we have determined the optimal approach for solving our client’s tasks and understand how to provide high-quality technical support during the after-sales period.
Around the world
Starting from 2020, UniBook enters the international RFID market. We want to present our high-quality and progressive RFID equipment at attractive prices to libraries all over the world! Sure you will appreciate partnership with us and It will be able to recommend our company to other libraries!
Advantages of working with UniBook
- 24/7 technical support;
- Our company responds to any customer inquiries promptly;
- Extensive experience on the RFID market. An accumulated knowledge allows our clients to get high-quality solutions that meet the highest standards;
- Software development Department offers a development of individual software according to customer requirements.
UniBook equipment and solutions are develop on the base of electronic components from the world’s leading manufacturers. Similar electronic components are used by Western manufacturers of equipment for libraries. An undeniable advantage of UniBook is an adaptedness of hardware and software solutions for libraries.
Our partners
We aim at making libraries better. Our partners include companies working in the field of a library modernization.
UniBook specialists have an extensive experience in integrating RFID-based systems, which allows to provide high-quality implementation and further technical support.
We have installed RFID equipment in more than 2000 libraries worldwide
Among them:
- National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi
- Republican Children's Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Alykul Osmonov
- Republican Library for Children and Youth named after. K. Bayalinova ( Kyrgyzstan )
- Kyrgyz State University named after Ishenaly Arabaev
- National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
- Baku State University
- Nazarbayev University
- Singapore Institute of Development and Management
- Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov
- Karaganda State Technical University
- Astana Medical University
- And others