Built-in UHF Smart Shelf
The smart shelf combines modern RFID technologies and intelligent management, providing a powerful tool for efficient library operation.
The equipment is built into the bookshelf. It allows you to automate the accounting of books, facilitate the process of inventory and tracking the movement of literature.
Tracking the book collection
Quick identification of books
A shelf for a modern library
The introduction of a smart shelf into library practice helps to improve user service and optimize work
Automated accounting significantly speeds up the inventory process
Eliminates the possibility of errors in accounting and tracking
You will be able to more accurately plan the purchase of books and their distribution
Customized sizes
Create a unique solution that will suit your specific needs, preferences and style. Choose the parameters that will perfectly suit your library, add uniqueness and functionality to your interior.

The built-in smart shelf allows you to preserve the appearance of bookcases and the room as a whole, which is important to create an atmosphere of a comfortable and cozy library space.

Simplification of book return
Visitors can hand over books on their own by simply putting them on a smart shelf. The equipment automatically reads the information about it and updates the status.
Automation of work
Updating the data

Get in touch
Request a free consultation. Fill out the application and we call you back within 15 minutes.