Electronic library ticket
The RFID card significantly simplifies a process of working with readers, and also makes a process of borrowing / returning books simpler and more accurate. No more huge paper files.
There are no queues in libraries.
No monotonous manual labor!
No more huge paper files.
Reader's RFID-ticket
The reader's tickets are replaced with an RFID card. Thanks to the latest technology it is possible in a matter of minutes:
- Add a new reader
- Edit the data
- Borrow and return books
Why are reader's e-ticket used?
Thanks to modern encryption methods, a reader's electronic ticket cannot be forged. An exchange of information between a ticket and a special equipment takes place in a split second.
A possibility of adding information about a reader or a library to a ticket.
A reliable solution. Electronic tickets have long been used not only as reader's tickets in libraries around the world, but also for making payments, as travel tickets, etc.
Meets the standards of GOST R ISO 28560, GOST R ISO / IEC 15693, GOST R ISO / IEC 14443
Express yourself!
In addition to its main function of storing information about readers and books, the electronic library card is able to express an identity of each particular library.

Printer for printing plastic cards
The printer will allow to put any information on a reader's tickets at any time. Printers can not only print, but also laminate and even encode RFID cards.
- Print in high resolution
- Modular design
- High printing speed
- Possible retrofitting with lamination and encoder modules
Do you need an advice
on implementing
an readers e-ticket?

Request a free consultation. Fill out the application and we call you back
within 15 minutes.