A new Chapter in library visitor services

Keeping books in open access has long been a norm for most libraries. An unhindered reader access to books and other library's collections increases a person's interest in reading. People take books more often, visit libraries more often.

Previously, a process of searching for and borrowing books in the library was completely controlled by a librarian. There were queues of readers who wanted to take a book and add to a library card. Now a borrowing process becomes completely Autonomous!

Installing an self-service book borrowing station solves a problem of queues in the free access areas once and for all!

Communication Protocols
All IDlogic UniBook Series Self-Service Stations Support the Following Protocols communication: SIP2 protocol and ISO18000, ISO28560, ISO15693, ISO14443 A and B standards.

6 reasons to use the self-service terminal of books lending out UniBook


Optimizing a librarian's work

Getting rid of library employees from routine work.


Informing about additional services

Information about library events, new arrivals, and additional services are displayed on the terminal screen.


No queues

The process of self-borrowing books is faster than 1 minute.


Recommendations of literature

The terminal is able to recommend books to the reader based on the history of their preferences.


Maintaining the library's image

The modern and ergonomic design of our terminals will fit into an interior of any library.


More free time for staff

Librarians can spend their free time helping and communicating with library visitors.

How does reader's self-service work?

The user applies the reader's ticket and the desired books to the work surface of the self-service terminal.

The terminal identifies the reader and offers them to lend out the book.

The reader confirms the action. Then the station reads the books, puts a mark in the reader's e-ticket, and automatically prints a memo.

Find out which terminal is more suitable for your library

Request a free consultation. Fill out the application and we call you back
within 15 minutes.