Mobile Librarian Cart for UHF Inventory
The device is designed to reduce the inventory time of the library stock, increase the mobility and comfort of employees.
The built-in handheld reader can check an entire rack in the shortest possible time, save and display the data stored in RFID tags.
The shelves located at the front of the cart can accommodate up to 50 books.
How the inventory cart works

Accurate accounting
The device is based on RFID technology, which allows you to reduce inventory time, "tie" a book to a shelf for navigation and increase the accuracy of accounting for material assets. All this excludes errors related to the human factor.
Smart Book Search
The equipment has a book shelf search function. It is enough to attach the book to the reader. Information about the place where it should be will be displayed on the tablet screen.
Easy to use
The trolley is convenient to use for any height and build. It is equipped with 4 swivel wheels that provide excellent maneuverability on various surfaces, and 2 stoppers for reliable fixation of equipment.
Navigation function
With an inventory cart, the librarian can use the catalog search. The path to the book of interest will be indicated on the screen, up to the shelf. Also, the employee can use navigation in augmented reality.
Navigation using AR
The desired book or author is entered into the IDlogic station, after which a unique QR code is displayed on the screen, which is scanned on the smartphone
Our development allows you to instantly launch augmented reality, without having to download a mobile application.
With augmented reality, the user receives precise instructions on the screen of his device that lead him to the right shelf
AR navigation unloads employees and helps them perform other visitor service tasks more efficiently
Without reference to the workplace
It allows employees to program RFID tags, enter information about the collection and return of literature to the AIS on the territory of the entire library.

Instant access to information
The hardware comes with a built-in tablet based on Windows 11 Home.
Thanks to the user-friendly interface and the ability to view information about each copy, the librarian can quickly and accurately locate the desired book or other material.

Autonomous operation for up to 8 hours
Long-term autonomous work makes it possible to work in any corner of the library and move freely, taking stock of the fund or helping visitors.

Get in touch
Request a free consultation. Fill out the application and we call you back within 15 minutes.